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Seowon History

  • Introduction
  • Seowon History
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유
  • Year 1557 (the 12th year of King Myeonjong's reign)The honorable Sir. Toegye Yi Hwang ordered Monk Beopryeon to build Dosanseodang, which was later to be Dosanseowon and Nongunjeongsa.
  • Year 1561 (the 16th year of King Myeonjong's reign)Monk Jeong-il completed the construction of Dosanseodang.
  • Year 1570 (the 3rd year of King Seonjo's reign)The honorable Toegye passed away at the age of 70.
  • Year 1572 (the 5th year of King Seonjo's reign)The memorial tablet of Toegye was enshrined in Sangdeoksa.
  • Year 1574 (the 7th year of King Seonjo's reign)A shrine, and the academy with Jingyodang, Dongjae and Seojae were built under the agreement of the class of Confucian scholars.
  • Year 1575 (the 8th year of King Seonjo's reign)The academy was completed Nakseong, and was entitled Dosanseowon by the contemporary king.
  • Year 1576 (the 9th year of King Seonjo's reign)The construction of Dosanseowon was completed. The memorial tablet of Sir. Toegye Yi Hwang was enshrined there. The Siho was Muhnsoon.
  • Year 1610 (the 2nd year of King Gwanghaegoon's reign)Muhnmyo Jongsah(The memorial tablet of Confucius was enshrined and incensed.)
  • Year 1615 (the 7th year of King Gwanghaegoon's reign)The memorial tablet of Wolcheon Johmok was enshirined and honored by Sarim school of Confucian scholars.
  • Year 1792 (the 16th year of King Jeongjo's reign)King Jeongjo bestowed Chije. Dosanbyeolgwa was implemented.
  • Year 1796 (the 20th year of King Jeongjo's reign)Sisadan was established.
  • Year 1819 (the 19th year of King Suhnjo's reign)Donggwangmyeongsil was established.
  • Year 1870 (the 7th year of King Gojong's reign)Dosanseowon was exempted from the Closure of Confucian Academies ordered by Daewongoon, father of King Gojong.
  • Year 1930 (the year of Gyeong-oh)Seogwangmyeongsil in Dosanseowon was rebuilt.
  • Year 1932 (the year of Imshin)Hagojiksa in Dosanseowon was relocated.
  • Year 1969The whole area of Dosanseowon was designated as Historic Site(Saejoek) No. 170. It started to be restored by a presidential order.
  • Year 1970Okjingak, a relic pavilion was built.
  • Year 1973Sisadan was designated as a Tangible Cultural Property of Gyeongsangbuk-do No. 33.
  • Year 1977A superintendent's office of Dosanseowon was established. The regulations of superintendence was enacted and announced.
  • Year 20032790 wooden boards in Jangpangak were transferred to Korean Studies Advancement Center

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