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  • Guide
  • Sisadan
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유


City's tangible cultural assets No.33 Sisadan
  • This building was constructed to celebrate the testing place for the civil service examination in Young-nam region during Chosun Dynasty. In 1792 (16 years after Jungjo was inaugurated), King opened a funeral rite for Sir. Toegye, whom King had a high regard for, in order to praise Sir. Toegye's scholastic attainments and virtue. In addition, Jungjo implemented new government branch to recruit the region's capable man in order to promote Sir. Toagye studies and raise the spirit of Young-nam scholars.
  • The King directly graded the exam, which approximately 7,200 scholars applied to Dosanbyeolgwa, and opened a recognition party for the 11 scholars who passed the examination. Monumental inscription was engraved by Chaejaegong's writing and established Sisadan to celebrate this recognition in 1796(Jungjo20).
  • It was rebuilt in 1824(Seonjo 24), and was moved 10m above the current location by erecting an embankment due to the Andong dam construction in 1974. Partition walls encircle below the jungbang, the room between two pillars, to prevent wind and rain. Thin pillars supporting the four angles of roof is giving a sense of stability in the building.

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