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  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유



  • It being able to keep and read publicly books is a library of today, and its hanging board is written by Sir. Toegye. Divided into east and west centering Jindomun on it, it was built with tall building method to protect humid damage. In Dongkwangmyungsil established in 1819 (Sunjo 19), Naesaserojeok of Kings of many generations and Sutaekbon Sir. Toegye had read were kept. And Seokwangmyungsil was newly extended in the modern period.


  • It was modeled on the Seokwangmyungsil, and as a two-story pattern it also performs a role of an observatory. In particular, There are all sorts of books published recently such as a collection of domestic Confucian scholars(Mundo)' works in it. By "Towgyeseocho" written by a Japanese Confucian scholar Sonsigyokusui in it, we can know that Toegyehak had a great influence on Japanese Confucianism. Along with Donggwangmyungsil, it had 1271 kinds of 4917 books and it is famous for ancient books and original copies. Now afore-mentioned materials are left in charge of "Korean Studies Advancement Center"

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