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  • Guide
  • Jehyang group
  • Sammuhn
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유



It is a SadangMun going into Sangdeoksa, and we also call it "Naesammun". As a 'Matbaejibung' with 3 units of front and 2 units of side, It was built at the same time period as Sangdeoksa. Because of stairs there are differences in heights, therefore frontal post was erected one step lower and the post shows a unique feature. Pattern is inverse-Taegeuk and painted colorfully (Dancheong).

현재 페이지의 정보 및 편의성에 만족하십니까?