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  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유



Sukjunggamyeol, a square shaped stone water well. It is called 'yeoljung,' named from the meaning of the well from 'Jungkwae'and 'Jungyeolhancheonsik' in the Yeoljeong. It was used as drinking water for a long time, and the water is pure and delicious. It was scholars' water for purifying their spirit. This is giving a lesson to 'become a person necessary for the society like a water well, which every people can enjoy infinite well of knowledge accumulated with your own effort and personality. Water well neither can be moved even if the village moves, nor diminishes when the water is drawn, enabling everyone to enjoy drinking the water.'
* 冽井 : 石井甘冽 (Water well made of stone is gratifying and pure.)

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