바로가기 메뉴


  • Order of Hyangsa
  • Preparation
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유


  • This means the procedure to elect Yusa in Seowon, and the written appointment sent to the candidate is called Manggi. Normally after doing Hangsa, do Embokgaejoa in the early morning then do Cheonmang. In Dosanseowon, however, Gongsawon elects 4 Heonkwans and 1 Chuckkwan, and does Manggi at JeonGyodang on the first day of the lunar month, then inform Jeyoo by way of Chulmun.
  • Heonkwan, Chukkwan and Confusion scholars able to participate in Hyangsa should enter 3 days before Hangsa, and remain inside of Seowon calming themselves piously.


  • It, done in the morning before Hangrye, is a ceremony informing Ypjae and arrival to do Hangsa. HeonKwan and all Confusion scholars worship to Sangdeoksa in which the mortuary tablet of Sir. Toegye places.
Chuckgi ceremony
  • After Almyorye, Yusas go to Jeonsacheong inspecting the number of dishes used in religious service and about the Chuckgi. Chuckgi is the ceremony washing the dishes used in religious service at Jegigo.

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