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  • Guide
  • Seodang group
  • Dosanseodang
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유



Dosanseodang, where the master directly taught his followers, was initiated to be constructed in 1557, and was completed in 1560. It is the oldest building among the lecture halls, which Sir. Toegye planned the basic design by his own hands. The village school has three horizontally-aligned rooms that consist of a kitchen, an underfloor-heating (ondol) room, and wooden floor (maru). It is unique that this building has additional half room for the kitchen, one more compartment for the wooden floor and added banks around the three sides of the building.


Additional roof was launched, the wooden floor was expanded, and the rooms were named Wanrakjae, and the wooden floor was named Amseohun. The room for teaching his followers through meditation was called Wanrakjae, meaning that "I can spend my whole life here for the appreciation that I am enjoying" The wooden floor for relaxation was named Amseohun, representing the modesty of "the hope to learn even when you lean on rocks because of your lack of confidence in studies."


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