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Lecture Hall

  • Guide
  • Seowon group
  • Lecture Hall
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유

Lecture Hall

Lecture Hall

It was the place for the students of Dosanseowon to lodge, and we also call it Dongjae due to its location. Along with a lecture hall, it, facing with Seojae, is the center of educational facilities. The students lodging at Dongjae are senior to ones at Seojae.

*Bakyak - Study widely and do politely.
The simple architectural structure of neat post and stylobate shows the dignity of this building.

Lecture Hall

It is also a boarding house same as the Dongjae "Bakyakjae". From lecture hall it is located in right and in the west, and so we also call it Seojae. The students lodging at Dongjae are senior to ones at Seojae, however both buildings are same in size and decoration. Both are 3-units house having a narrow veranda in the front side.

*Hongeui - A scholar should be broad-minded and strong-willed, and it's because his responsibility is heavy and the way to ethics is long

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