바로가기 메뉴

Tourism Guide

  • Introduction
  • Tourism Guide
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유
Tourism Guide
  • Dosanseowon : the whole area of the academy, Okjingak, a relic pavilion
  • Business Hours : Summer 09:00~18:00, Winter 09:00~17:00
  • Tel : 054-856-1073
  • Tel : 054-856-1073
  • E-mail : master@dosansewon.co.kr

Fee of dosanseowon

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Fee of dosanseowon -
Visitors Individual Group Remark
children 600 won 500 won  
college students
700 won 600 won Student ID
Below sergeant
general 1500 won 1300 won  
Parking lot Small 2000 won Large 4000 won  

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