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  • Guide
  • Okjingak
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유



Dosanseowon was repaired in large-scale, appointed as the subject of sacred place by the government's historic place maintenance policy in 1969. Okjingak was built as part of this project as Sir. Toegye's relic museum in 1970's.

Okjin is shortened words for 集大成 金聲玉振' meaning 'completion of one book means gold plus jade.' Various relics, including Sir. Toegye's pillow and seat that he used during his lifetime, are exhibited in Okjingak. Also, Sir. Toegye's efforts for studies and training his followers can be appreciated from his writing stationeries, including his apricot inkstone, okseojin, and his desk. An astrolabe, a cane, an apricot light is also displayed.

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