바로가기 메뉴


  • Order of Hyangsa
  • Hyangsarye
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유


  • As a main ceremony, this is held at Chuksi a new day. After midnight, Heonkwans adjust their dresses with help of Jipsa and Jipsas wear Dopo and Yugeon. At Chucksi, Dosaryung shouts 3 times "Gaejoa aroeo". With following "Gaejoarye", Hangsarye begins in earnest.


  • Every Hangsa performs according to the Changhol of Changa, and the main performances are as follows. In advance of each ceremony, Choheonkwan inspects Jinseol according to the guidance of Changhol, and open Judok and the covers of chest. Chukkwan and Jipsas advance toward a fixed position following the guidance of Chanin.
  • This ceremony begins with the bowing twice, and Choheonkwan offer incense for Shinwi three times.


  1. Choheonrye : By the guidance of Alja, Choheonkwan offer a liquor glass for Shinwi.
  2. Aheonrye : By the guidance of Chanin, Aheonkwan offer a liquor glass for Shinwi.
  3. Jongheonrye : By the guidance of 2 Chanin Jongheonkwan and Bunheonkwan participate in this ceremony. The former performs for a Shinwi, and the latter for a Shinwi of Sir. Wolcheon.
  • Choheonkwan performs Eumbok by guidance of Alja.
  • It is the procedure to cover bowls used for this ceremony. "Byun" is the thing used for fruit etc. and "Doo" is the thing used for meat or soup etc.


  • It is the ceremony to bury a written prayer. Fold up the written prayer and bury it at a prepared place. After sprinkling water, cover well with a tile.


  • After Hyangsarye, Heonkwan and Jipsas sit at Daecheong and take the table for Eumbok early in the morning. At this time, all participants adjust their dresses. After Emmbok, The other things used in the service should be packed and put into Dopo, then perform Pajoarye.
  • With this, three-day Hyangsa is ended and every Yusaeng bow to Sanghayusa going back home.

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