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  • Toegye Lee-hwang
  • Hyangsarye
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유


Hyangsarye in dosanseowon
  • Hangsa means performing a religious service to sages. Dosanseowon 'Hyangsare', which is a ceremony handing down from generation to generation for 500 years, is a memorial event admiring and mourning the virtue of Sir. Toegye. In particular, this Hangrye is the biggest civilian and traditional religious ceremony and handled in Sangdeoksa in Spring and Autumn every year.
    People place the mortuary tablet of Sir. Toegye and worship Toegye and Wolchon in Sangdeoksa (Treasure No. 211). Sangdeok means thinking virtue highly.
  • Chungihyanrye is the Jungjeongil of February of the lunar calendar, and Chugihyangrye is the Jungjeongil of August of the lunar calendar. At the time of accident or national anniversary of death, it is delayed to Hajeongil. However if there isn't a suitable Hajeongil, then it should be moved to Haeil or Byungil.
  • For 3 days including Hangrye, officiants enter Dong, Seojae, prepare the things needed in religious service, set out for religious service and perform the service. Each stage of it should be devout and delicate. All the participants should be in full dress, that is wearing official uniform, Samo and Mokhwa, and hold Hol. Deacons and officiants have to wear Jaebok or Dopo and Eugeon.

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