바로가기 메뉴


  • Order of Hyangsa
  • Jemul
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유


  • It is the ceremony inspecting the rice, millet and pig etc. and hold on the afternoon before Hangsa. Pig is inspected in the middle of ground, and rice and millet set on the table. At the same time, the inspection about measuring sealing the sacred wine should be performed.
Seokmi and Seuprye
  • They are the ceremonies held on the evening before Hangsa, and Seokmi is the ceremony washing rice and millet used to the ceremony. The rice and millet out of Jindomoon should be washed 9 times without using hand at a well side. Seuprye is an one hour exercise to perform Hangrye without mistake, in which the Jipsas selected by Bunjeong exercise about the related role and mission.


  • The preparation of offerings and Jinseol should be prepared neatly and properly as listed in Holgi and arranged according to Jinseoldo. Gugwanyusa should inspect with Jinseoldo whether the arrangement is right before Chuksi.

현재 페이지의 정보 및 편의성에 만족하십니까?