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  • Guide
  • Seowon group
  • Jeongyodang
  • 글자크기 크게조정
  • 글자크기 작게조정
  • 본문인쇄 새창
  • 페이스북 공유
  • 트위터 공유



As a academic facility, It, consisting of a lecture hall and a principal room, has 4 units of front, 2 units of side and octagonal roof. It has high stylobate to show dignity and has stairs both sides. It is unique to have even number structure which Sung Confucianism scholars avoid, and only 1 unit in the east is a ondol room showing asymmetry. The ondol room is used for principal's livingroom and we call it "Hanjonjae". 3 units of front in a hall are opened without door, whereas there are a pair of sliding windows in each unit at side and back.


Current figure is what remodelled original thing of 1574 into new one in 1969. The hanging board in front of Jeongyodang was written by Han-seokbong and granted from Seonjo in 1575. On the wall in lecture hall, boards such as Wongyu, Baekrokdonggyu, Sajemun of Jeongjo, Gukgian, Samuljam and Sukheungyamaejam etc. are hanging. Designated as Treasury No. 210.

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